• As of January 1, 2018 The brand new logo that was created and released in 2017 will be the only official logo in affect and allowed to be used on any electronic media however, any such media like truck wraps, stationary, and postcards will be grandfathered in. Contributing Members will be allowed to use the UAMCC logo in any advertising. Permission to use the logo otherwise must be in writing. Logos used in electronic formats (ie: Websites, forums, etc.) must be linked back to the member’s profile in the UAMCC directory. Contributing Members are members that are paid and current with their dues. Please contact info@uamcc.org with any questions.

Welcome Brad Frost

Doug Rucker

UAMCC Board of Directors
Please welcome with me Brad Fost of Nashville Arkansas. Brad owns Sud n Clean Power Washing and specializes in Poultry Cleaning. Great to have you Brad and I love the Company name. Great play on words.

Randy Borio

New member
Welcome Brad. I was on the phone making my calls or I would have so beat you to this one Tony. See Brad we are very adult about greeting new members here. There is no competition to be first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike Woolley

UAMCC Associate Member
Welcome Brad. Can you tell us a bit more about what you do? I've never known anyone to specialize in poultry cleaning although I'm sure it's a very specialized field. I guess I've always been a little chicken too ask.... Sorry I had to add a chicken joke.....