• As of January 1, 2018 The brand new logo that was created and released in 2017 will be the only official logo in affect and allowed to be used on any electronic media however, any such media like truck wraps, stationary, and postcards will be grandfathered in. Contributing Members will be allowed to use the UAMCC logo in any advertising. Permission to use the logo otherwise must be in writing. Logos used in electronic formats (ie: Websites, forums, etc.) must be linked back to the member’s profile in the UAMCC directory. Contributing Members are members that are paid and current with their dues. Please contact info@uamcc.org with any questions.

Thank You to Toney Evens

Randy Wahl

Contributing Member
Big Thank you to Toney, Got the water fed pole or the tier 1 from Tucker, saved my but and now the window washing business is picking up. Thank you for the help over the past year or so and the help recently. Tried to do these solar panels the old fashion way ( mop/squeegee) and was a waste of time. Thanks to the pole and an earlier start time I was able to clean these and now have them set up for quarterly cleaning and am trying to get the 101 windows on the house. Just when you think your almost out of the school of hard knocks something else comes up and puts you back in grade school. Now I will be learning about soaps, types of glass, spot removing, brushes and so on. I would recommend Toney to all that have concerns about glass or window washing, always helpful,knowledgeable and will to share.


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