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cant get it clean


New member
I have used a stripper twice and wood cleaner twice and pw twice this area just wont com clean. this is a huge deck but this tier was the eating area any recommendations other than sanding??? The customer says dont worry about it I have a feeling the guy before didnt and thats why I am having trouble but what else could I try?

notice the 4th board from the right came pretty clean whats up with the others??


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John Orr

UAMCC Treasurer
Have you neutralized? The rectangular areas appear to be rust, which should respond to oxalic. It should also even-out the appearance of the entire deck.


New member
I did neutralize....those rectangular spots need to be scraped and sanded. Benches were there and I am thinking it may be a sap residue.

John Orr

UAMCC Treasurer
OK, what were you stripping with? Whatever it is, it's obviously not strong enough. If you don't do a lot of decks, you can buy Flood Deck Stripper at HD for about $21/gal. Slightly diluted (to thin), it can be applied with a pump-up. Neutralize afterward.


New member
I was using a Benjemin Moore stripper. If you could see the way it got some of the stain that was sound you would be inclined to say that it was pretty strong. I used a cabots neutralizer. What would you use ?? I am going to try getting some materials from the pro sealer strore see if they are more effective.
BTW I have been washing decks for a while ( probably over 100 decks in all) using the same products for years and never had this outcome.
I appreciate your feedback,

ETA: you can see where the benches were....the stain was like brand new there and it came off wonderfully, where the deck was most weathered is where it is hardest to clean.....odd right????

Guy Blackmon

New member
Ocxolic acid to neutralize. I've heard Ok reviews on BM stripper, nothing about cabots neutralizer. Remember these are "Consumer" strength products, they are not "Contractor Grade" products. Big Difference.


New member
Thanks Guy...... I think thats the ticket. Any reccomendations on where to buy product and or what you use?
I think John hit on something too...I thinned to spec however Maybe I should have cut back a bit on thinning???? who knows
And please dont get me wrong, I am not intending to sqabble, I intend on learning and I apprecaite the advice.

Paul Kassander

UAMCC Associate Member
I am guessing they replaced the board at a different date and used a different stain. I agree the neutralizer may have been too weak, a stronger mix of oxalic should even it out.
Could always call a local guy to help you out........ I have stripper and neutralizer on the truck and am likely close to the job..... The store bought brands suck in comparison to the real contractor grade products!