Yes it seems like the misunderstanding issue happened, nothing was in stone and then a few wanted Thursday and after carefull thinking Thursday it was.And look back ANthony accually wanted the Saturday because he felt it was better. Look back it would all be posted. Next thing you know Anthony on my thread starts to say chat will be at the other chat room,which is a nice place, but i felt i started this thread here and felt the chat should be here, then the next thing you know here comes a day and to try to bump into mine.The same issues as before.See something that a "certain " orgaization isnt getting recognision for "boom" turn it to a war and the attemp of ripping apart of people. If it dont happen at the "certain" organizations house or organized by the "certain" organization members it has to be eliminated.As you can see members of UAMCC look, all of the sudden these "certain" members come here just to cause problems with these threads every thread has something of the wall by these"certain" members or something negitive from these "certain" members. all i suggest to all when you read a thread read carefully and try to stic with the nature of the thread and if you feel you want to change the thread subject well it is simple start a fresh new thread then conflicts like this and many will not happen.Theres nothing wrong with as many chat rooms going a the same time bounce around and be a prt of them bost.Heck i set up the time to be at 7pm eastern and Anthony set it up 7pm western,well what is that a 3 hr. difference all issue are settled then some can come here fora while then go to the other heck basically we can chat all day if we want.Anthony i am sure thought things over when he thought of a time which doesnt bump into any time of mine.No big deal all all is good.Just dont let "certain" ones try to tear things apart what was that saying of mine you like Anthony you wrote it in read,something like if we all work together then things will work but if we alll together we dont work together then it wont work ,or something like that.Come on "certain"ones please leave the negativity from which you come bringing here only causes others who come here to look at this garbage and not return and that is whats ripping "the industry apart"