• As of January 1, 2018 The brand new logo that was created and released in 2017 will be the only official logo in affect and allowed to be used on any electronic media however, any such media like truck wraps, stationary, and postcards will be grandfathered in. Contributing Members will be allowed to use the UAMCC logo in any advertising. Permission to use the logo otherwise must be in writing. Logos used in electronic formats (ie: Websites, forums, etc.) must be linked back to the member’s profile in the UAMCC directory. Contributing Members are members that are paid and current with their dues. Please contact info@uamcc.org with any questions.

UAMCC Responds to the State of CT EPA

Carlos Gonzales

New member
Michael Barnes, UAMCC members had some issues from the local EPA in which they were giving him the run around a couple months ago relating to the transportation of waste water. The EPA seemed to suggest to him that he could not use a trailer to haul waste water to a discharge sight. They also implied that he needed a double wall poly tank also to transport this water.

Anyway long story short...I did the necessary research and wrote a letter to the EPA in CT explaining some facts relating to the CWA. Low and behold it looks like the EPA in CT are now revising their BMP's so that the use of trailers to carry waste water will be allowed.

See letter enclosed.

Through the UAMCC's actions and response to the EPA in CT...this helps everyone in the industry ~ members and non-members alike!


  • Barnes Letter.doc
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Rob Huffman

New member
Is this the EPA involved or is it at the state level (Dept of Environment)?

Can you explain the final outcome of this event?

What other kind of involvement did you have other than the letter?

Ken Fenner

Active member
Very nice. This is what the org was built to do. Its good to know that we have the power and clout of a national organization that will stand behind us contractors.

Ken Fenner

Active member
No, Rob. This is the first I heard about it too.

I'm not really into dissecting the issue to cast some strange spin on it. A contractor member came to his org for help, the org got involved and presented a letter of facts and things moved in a positive direction. We all voted in Robert Hinderliter as the industry's expert to represent the organization. By the cc on the letter, it looks like he was kept in the loop.

Your questions are good ones though, Rob. Maybe Carlos will elaborate.

Rob Huffman

New member
Thanks Ken.

I was curious as Carlos' post says I and not Robert. Or the Org.

I heard about this before and thought that it would have needed more than just a letter. If so, I would hope Carlos would elaborate on it since thats what the members want. Make sense? I would be proud of a letter from the Org but if they are willing to send a Rep there that would be even better.

Does anyone know why PWNA said or made an announcement? What exactly was said? Did they do anything as well?

Mathew Johnson

New member
Is this the EPA involved or is it at the state level (Dept of Environment)?

Can you explain the final outcome of this event?

What other kind of involvement did you have other than the letter?

Good questions! Carlos, Could you also tell us what you had for dinner the night the letter was written?

Well done Carlos! The UAMCC comes through again!

Carlos Gonzales

New member
Hey everyone...lets please..please keep the post on the up and up. (This is a request for everyone ~ thank you)

Rob...this actually was at the state level...not the Federal level. This was all brought on through the State of CT Department of Environmental Protection Of Materials Management Compliance Assurance Bureau Chiefs Office...(dang that is long)....anyway their response was to the effect that they are recommending a change in their BMP's so that waste water can be transported with a trailer. Prior to this they were saying that waste water can't be transported with a trailer. The double wall poly tank has also been omitted in their recommendations.