• As of January 1, 2018 The brand new logo that was created and released in 2017 will be the only official logo in affect and allowed to be used on any electronic media however, any such media like truck wraps, stationary, and postcards will be grandfathered in. Contributing Members will be allowed to use the UAMCC logo in any advertising. Permission to use the logo otherwise must be in writing. Logos used in electronic formats (ie: Websites, forums, etc.) must be linked back to the member’s profile in the UAMCC directory. Contributing Members are members that are paid and current with their dues. Please contact info@uamcc.org with any questions.

Getting along within the UAMCC

John Tornabene

Member Guest
This should be a top priority!! People in power will have to try harder to get along and maybe bend a little at times instead of holding there ground for what some others cencieve to be an unpopular position. Its so Counter productive and downright hurtfull to an org when guys start resigning over a difference of agreements. There should be more mediation where needs be to keep these "Star" type guys and gals from just saying they resign. I understand these are all most volunteering positions and I'm sure a majority of the people would love to see these people having a paid position but since this org is nowhere near that point yet, other options and choices should be made without ones taking the easier road which is to leave your position in haste. I've seen a quite of bit of that in my past org life and it almost always hurt the org this happened to.

So just a small peice of advice from an ex exec. Board Member who did finish his term but barely---Try to be more understanding and also try a better democratic approach with some problem solving. Take a step back to chill when you feel you may overeact to whats being discuss at the immediate moment.

Give the UAMCC people and its members the very best of what you have to offer since you guys so far are the chosen ones. If at all fails and You do resign as always you will be mostly missed and the UAMCC itself will also take a small hit because it will lose good guys and gals along the way and that is very counter productive at most times. One more thing if there was an agreement in place than those agreements should be honored and then go from there on what you want to possibly do with those agreements that you don't like. There has to be steps to go thru and one of them is not to resign because they say a "Winner never quits and a Quitter never wins" so try at all cost to rectify or at least compromised at whatever your disagreement is because the "Commoner" member hates to see some stars go. Just think about this and no this is not directed at any one person. Its just an experience that I went thru in the past and that org. lost probably at least 80% of its members because others would not listen or compromised and this is a deadly combo.

Jim Chesmore

New member
I disagree.

The guys that came together to build this org. have set the rules, if you don't like them, they will listen but you are always free to leave. They understand that they need to be flexible BUT

- Without rules there cannot be focus on goals

- If the rules are being changed every time someone wanted something different there will not be any stability within the org. and the org. will fail

- Any org needs to have a solid foundation in order to grow but you need to balance stability with flexibility and only act when/if it benefits the end goal

- Failure is NOT an option

Russ Spence

Active member
In some ways you are both right but I feel John T is more on track.

Just an oponion but John has seen way more than most or in most cases any will ever see. He has witnessed first hand the troubles that can go on within an org.

I for one do understand, as an administrator of a busy forum, it is difficult not to react when you feel challenged or mistreated by someone, it is by far the most thankless job in the world.

In addition to time spent on the board I have twice as much if not more time on the phone discussing issues that 99% will never see or ever hear about, 1 - making things better 2- how to? 3- should we? 4 - can we? 5- What will be the outcome if ? .............. and the list goes on. Oh dont forget the dreaded "what are we going to do about him or her"?

I cant imagine the problem with a new org. but personally I would not put myself under the microscope on that one, wow have I heard some rumors! Most I dont even pay attention to but I and we hear them just the same. Oh and the conspiracy theories too!

Anyway, yes John I agree with you on this one for the most part, no matter how tough it is sometimes you just have to let somethings work themselves out, rules are fine but I dont like rules either, I like guidelines and everyone should follow them.

I have pointed out a few here in the last couple of days just to prove a point, When some post everyone is almost everyone is waiting on them to post and they find things wrong rather quickly, when some others post, lets just say some that dont get as much attention, they go un noticed. Heck I even saw some of the TT members posting in the threads and never noticed the self promotions going on that they were commenting on.

My point is we all put ourselves in situations and under scrutany from time to time, if so thats our choice, it is how we handle it that will define the outcome.

Jeff LeCours

New member
Some really really good comments here. Russ spence says he never would have put himself in this position...Smart Guy!

Agendas, Stars, Personalities. I just dont put to much into that stuff. I can say I am pretty proud of what we are doing and what past & present team members have put together. Is it perfect? NO. But we arent here to make it perfect:rolleyes:. as I have said before we are just putting down a base. We on the team don't have all the answers, thats why I can't wait to this thing launches, then all the contractors can get really involved. Man we go over things and we argue, we agree and disagree at times, but we try to come to a consensus. I have said things that i have meant and said things I wished I hadnt to team members and others . I'm a pretty straight forward guy. I'll fight or do what I think is right for the org. I have come up with some good stuff and I have dropped some useless stuff as all the team has. I will say we deserve some of the critsism we have got and some we dont deserve, but it was expected and I thank those who have said we are doing a good job. I also want to say we are going to keep rockin & rolling and brring this to you all, the contractors....Its coming

You know two years ago if you said I would join a PW org, I would of said maybe, whats in it for me? If you said I would join a team trying to put one together I would of laughed and said no way..
I was asked to come onto the team to help and at first i was going to say no. I thought for a while and then I asked my wife Lisa what she thought. she went on to say do you think its a good idea and do you trust who's asking? I said ya I just dont know if I want to get involved myself. She brought up all the calls I get from contractors and trying to help with their questions, she brought up the RT we did, she brought up with the time spent on the computer. She said you get into this stuff, you like to help and if I think its a good idea go for it. Got to love a good lady. She gets mad at me with some of the time I spend on the phone and computer but she supports me all the time, except when i wake the kids up LOL
So I got involved and now I am happy I did. Guys good and bad we got a good base down, You all who join are going to make it much better it will be so cool to get contractors from the BB's and some of the thousands of other contractors that who have never gone on the BB's to join and build this thing into a true national org that promotes the industry and helps put money into contractors pockets

The other day I was just having a bad day and she was too, we argued a little, then we later went to bed. She asked me about some of the calls and said sometimes some of these calls just sound like a bunch of little gils and she's right. she asked how the org thing is going. I went on and talked about the bennies, talked about the website, I talked about some of my ideas and the Wash With Us charity stuff I am thinking about doing, I talked about Round tables past and in the future,I talked about how we really need a org that promotes ourselves to the consumers on and on for about a half hours. Lisa started to get tired and as sweet as can be she said "shutup" LOL. She told me I dont have to sell her, do what you think is right. I kissed her and went to sleep

Well I'm babbling again. I have good common sense most of the time. I just want to say to all out here that I trust we are doing a good thing, . I just say be open minded and if you think its a good thing when we launch or you think it could be better, get involved and help make this a true org for contractors. Man we can use the help but I can say we are doing a GOOD JOB and I am looking forward to the future of the UAMCC. I love this industry and its been good to me and many others. You all have a great day:clap:
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James Foley

New member
I think Dr Phil is going to have a Show on Organization Start Ups ? Pro's and Con's, dealing with personality defects and Ego envy ! LOL......

Gary Schell

New member
John, the biggest thing MISSING IN ALL OF THIS, is R E S P E C T, very few show it to those that can do the job, nor do those show it to those who can do the job more cost effectively
A little "feel good" music to lighten the mood.....c'mon everyone, let's form a virtual circle and hold virtual hands and enjoy some karaoke!


Thank you.


Contributing Member
My 3 year old son loves the Wonderpets and sings their song: "Whats gonna work? Teeeaaaamwork!"

Teamwork "a joint action by 2 or more people' or a group, in which each person subordinates his or her individual interests and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group."
This does not mean that the individual is no longer important; however, it does mean that effective and efficient teamwork goes beyond individual accomplishments. The most effective teamwork is produced when all the individuals involved harmonize their contributions and work towards a common goal.
In order for teamwork to succeed one must be a teamplayer. A teamplayer is one who subordinates personal aspirations and works in a coordinated effort with other members of a group, or team, in striving for a common goal. Businesses and other organizations often go to the effort of coordinating team building events in an attempt to get people to work as a team rather than as individuals. (wikipedia)

I think the part about individual interests is what some of us ought to reflect on.


Contributing Member
Wonder Pets! is an exciting new Nick Jr. show for preschoolers. Each episode follows the adventures of three classroom pets--Linny the Guinea Pig, Ming-Ming Duckling, and Turtle Tuck--who travel around the globe helping to rescue animals who need their help.

Like real preschoolers, these three unlikely heroes don't have any actual super powers, but by working together they can conquer any obstacle: "What's gonna work? Teamwork!"

By the same token, Carlos, Ken, Michael, Jeff, Rob, David, and Scott M don't have super powers. Scott S and Terry M didnt either. But together they are able to make things happen.


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Mathew Johnson

New member
Wonder Pets! is an exciting new Nick Jr. show for preschoolers. Each episode follows the adventures of three classroom pets--Linny the Guinea Pig, Ming-Ming Duckling, and Turtle Tuck--who travel around the globe helping to rescue animals who need their help.

Like real preschoolers, these three unlikely heroes don't have any actual super powers, but by working together they can conquer any obstacle: "What's gonna work? Teamwork!"

By the same token, Carlos, Ken, Michael, Jeff, Rob, David, and Scott M don't have super powers. Scott S and Terry M didnt either. But together they are able to make things happen.

OK, I will be Turtle Tuck, Scott you interested in Linny? If you show up to the NE Seminar in a guinea pig costume, I will refund you 97.00

John Tornabene

Member Guest
I disagree.

The guys that came together to build this org. have set the rules, if you don't like them, they will listen but you are always free to leave. They understand that they need to be flexible BUT

- Without rules there cannot be focus on goals

- If the rules are being changed every time someone wanted something different there will not be any stability within the org. and the org. will fail

- Any org needs to have a solid foundation in order to grow but you need to balance stability with flexibility and only act when/if it benefits the end goal

- Failure is NOT an option
Jim You and I are really saying the same thing. I am saying that there are rules in place and if you don't like them then just don't resign. Wait untill the time is right to try to make a potential rule change if that is allowed to be done. This is the point I was trying to make. Its very frustrating to see some valuable member resign in haste because they are seeing things that may not be right. This is the worst kind of breakup that happens over and over again. Now when you add some ego's to the mixture and all of us business owners all have Ego's then you can have a mess on your hands unless if you have a real strong leader as in a Carlos etc. THis is just my take on thinks as of late and my view is to only help strengthen the UAMCC and to not weekend it EVER....oh yea nice music by the way:)

Ron Musgraves

Past President
Staff member
Jim You and I are really saying the same thing. I am saying that there are rules in place and if you don't like them then just don't resign. Wait untill the time is right to try to make a potential rule change if that is allowed to be done. This is the point I was trying to make. Its very frustrating to see some valuable member resign in haste because they are seeing things that may not be right. This is the worst kind of breakup that happens over and over again. Now when you add some ego's to the mixture and all of us business owners all have Ego's then you can have a mess on your hands unless if you have a real strong leader as in a Carlos etc. THis is just my take on thinks as of late and my view is to only help strengthen the UAMCC and to not weekend it EVER....oh yea nice music by the way:)

Instead of talking about it they want to attack, then think this will have a result on certain people and play th fear card.

The reality is that most on the web like you have seen this not work. It actaully works as a negative result.

You keep reffering to Scott resigning, I know that Scotts resigning should have nothing to do with leaders looking at possible mistakes being made.

Successful people realize mistakes and change them, unsuccesfull people dont.

I think all in all people just dont like to be critizied.

Repsect on both sides is an issue, I dont think they realize others in the industry have volinteered time and work hard.


Contributing Member

Last summer I bought a new lawn tractor. It was a bit frustrating because when I would lower the mow deck, once in a while the belt would come off the pullies underneath. The belt was stretching and breaking in. One day it came off in the middle of mowing, and when I reached under to reinstall the belt, the inside of my forearm got on one of the hot pullies and burned a half cylinder shape into my arm. It was a pretty good burn and scabbed over. The scab itched alot and I couldnt resist scratching and picking at it. Once in a while a little blood would show, but eventually new skin grew and there is just a very subtle indication of the burn now.
Re: Anecdote

Last summer I bought a new lawn tractor. It was a bit frustrating because when I would lower the mow deck, once in a while the belt would come off the pullies underneath. The belt was stretching and breaking in. One day it came off in the middle of mowing, and when I reached under to reinstall the belt, the inside of my forearm got on one of the hot pullies and burned a half cylinder shape into my arm. It was a pretty good burn and scabbed over. The scab itched alot and I couldnt resist scratching and picking at it. Once in a while a little blood would show, but eventually new skin grew and there is just a very subtle indication of the burn now.

Very nice analogy! :Smiley-2031:

Ken Fenner

Active member
Scott, your insight continues to amaze me. One needs to keep in mind that you learn from mistakes. One can be a great pressure washer but not have his or her ducks lined up when it comes time for a tax audit. One can start a chemical distributor and not realize the impact on having supply issues. There are a thousand things that can go wrong in life and will from time to time. Mistakes are the teacher of life and are neccessary on the road to success.