Watch the Video First!!!!!!!
Contest end TBA late March
500 Dollar Video post Contest
Video Categories
Grand Prize $500.00 any video owned by you!!!
Best New Video- Prize TBA
Most creative -Prize TBA
Funniest Video -Prize TBA
Best overall Company Video- Prize: Distributor Gift Card
Weird Video -NO Prize
Video must be posted in one of these BBS threads in contest thread.
Only one video per contestant.
Only one winner will receive the $500.00 at the end of contest random drawing
Other categories must have three nominees from General membership or contestants. The nominations require that video be quoted and labeled for the proper Categories listed above. 500 dollar video needs no nominations because all videos will be automatically entered into the random drawing. You cannot nominate your own video.
You are required to submit the contact info to
Title E-mail: 500
Contact: Ron Musgraves
Co Name: Pro-PowerWash
Addr: Pob 4092
Mesa, AZ 85211
Main 6022616506
4805225227 mobile
Fax: 4809634719
E-mail Address-
Please DO NOT PM OR EMAIL ME, Please send this info to
Mandatory OPT into Texting (Text 25827 type in NCE and Hit Send)
Keep this in mind the contest is for fun, so make a video either promo or fun. Videos do not have to be new, just your property and related to the cleaning industry in some form. JUST DO IT!!
Contest end TBA late March
Any Photo Posted in this thread will have a Chance for a NEW Digital Video Camera. Casio Brand 11.3 Mega Pix, Date of Draw TBA (Once your photos are Posted, please opt in the the text messaging by texting NCE to 25827.- POST PHOTO's for Camera Giveaway Separate.
All Voters will also be in a Random Dinner Drawing at the end of Contest. ( voters do not need to enter the contest in anyway except by nominating. ) That means just a POST voting for a Video contest.
If your having Trouble Texting the BOT- Text me only personally to add you manually. 480-522-5227