I'm going to Run for president of this Organization.
#1 thing I will need is a Good Vice president.
#2 I need 7 others people to assist in taking this industry to a new modern day level of thinking.
I have all of these as we speak......
If there anyone out there that would like to help?
I'm all ears!!! well if you know me I will talk a bunch.
Ask me what I'll do, ask any question that you want.
I'll answer positive ones and negative ones.
I will be controversial but mostly fair.
Time, who has time? no one really has time to handle day to day operations properly so the NEW current BOD if I win task will to find a temporary person to handle the business. ( temporary ED) Clerical duties mostly, the org doesn't have much to do at this time but I estimate it will increase as 2012 rolls in. This is why I would propose a 6 month commitment before a longer term hiring of anyone.
Once a BOD has been in place for more than two weeks and no one quits we will open a bottle of champaign and celebrate a mile stone.
Here lies the next problem that will upset many. Some here think of this org as a joke, often people took BOD spots because they thought it was a fun or might be a nice logo on my site to say I was a BOD member.
Ladies and Gents if you coming on this BOD and I'm in charge we will not be a Joke. This org will start getting recondition and respect the day I'm on the job. It may not be a Bylaw or rules but I will ask each member of the BOD to tough the stay out. Nothing good is easy and this won't be easy at times and often might be a burden of sorts. If we loose someone for reason do to health or death I will replace them in days. I will have alternates waiting that will be up to speed working on Joint committees. This org will not miss a beat on my presidency.
I can assure the stay will be worth it, in the end we will achieve our goals if we stick to a plan and keep our heads up high no matter what happens.
Mistakes will be made and not hidden, we will change what's needed and make them better.
If you think I'm not the guy to do the job join and vote me out, if you think I can do the job Join and vote me in. Do something just don't stand there and do nothing because you believe that the industry you make a living with isn't worth it!!!
Future Candidates
Doug Rucker TX communication residential
Jame Vanhandel NJ Experience for the small contractor residential & commercial
Bill Booz MD Youth & Energy
Carlos Gonzales CA Experience for start up
Rob Carey IW Heartland 40 YEARS
Chris Apple AK Strongest new guy I have seen in years.
Guy Blackmon NC South A bit of southern hospitality.
Miguel Vaquez CA Experience & Youth strongest salesmen ship I have seen in years.
Mike O'Connell KY Commercial Wood restoration.
Brett Blacklidge AZ commercial Sidewalk Cleaner Big Personality
Blaine Krugerud MN Fleetwash Guy has washed over a Million Truck. ( Its real)
Randy BorioIL Current BOD member
Charlie Soden NC Wood restoration
Kemp Normand FL very versatile ( does arrange of cleaning methods)
Wish list
Tim Cross WI wood Expert
Committees Helpers
Environmental Chair person
Scott Stone - Scott Has worked for resonable regulations
Kitchen Exhaust Chairman
Window Cleaner Chairman
Exterior restoration & Extraction Chairman
Carpet Cleaner Chairman
Roof Cleaning Chairman
William Booz
Residential Exterior Cleaning Chairman
Membership Chairman
Educational Chairman (Certifications)
Communications Chairman
Associate membership Chairmen
Outside Consultants
Matthew Norman SEO consultant
Allison Hester PRESS
Ron Musgraves Bio - Candidate for President of UAMCC
When someone hears the name Ron Musgraves, reactions are widely different - some cheer, some groan but at the end of the day, what everyone sees is the same thing:
I am who I am - a dynamic, goal-oriented, take no prisoners while the job gets done, larger than life type of personality.
With over 20 years in the pressure washing industry, I bring both the experience of the contractor and business owner to the table and further, a successful track record of providing tangible benefits for the pressure washing industry through my efforts with National Cleaning Expo and the Pressure Washing Institute. I believe I have made it possible for contractors to effectively network and learn in environments that are well suited for this industry. My visions of helping the mobile contract cleaner are accomplished in short time periods.
The forefront of my plan is creating a strong organization through education - a component that has been lacking for years. The educated contractor is the successful contractor in both good and bad conditions. This will be achieved by an open door policy in the organization, where all members can interject, ask and be heard....where concerns are addressed rather than dismissed.
The UAMCC is currently at a crossroads and I can be the catalyst to take it to the top of the charts. Through my commitment to my fellow contractors, my relationships in other organizations and my passion for this industry - I will bring a strong, positive new birth to the UAMCC.