• As of January 1, 2018 The brand new logo that was created and released in 2017 will be the only official logo in affect and allowed to be used on any electronic media however, any such media like truck wraps, stationary, and postcards will be grandfathered in. Contributing Members will be allowed to use the UAMCC logo in any advertising. Permission to use the logo otherwise must be in writing. Logos used in electronic formats (ie: Websites, forums, etc.) must be linked back to the member’s profile in the UAMCC directory. Contributing Members are members that are paid and current with their dues. Please contact info@uamcc.org with any questions.

Rob Huffman look into my Garage

John Tornabene

Member Guest
Its a mess and not for long. There u can see the Burner that will eventually get onto my Flatbed. The pump next to that Burner is a Silver Eagle Diesel set-up that shoots 10gpm spray and any strength. Of course I blew it up the first time I started it so I have to find another way to fix it. If you look hard enough you will the ceramic actuator that blew right off and past head to about 100+' into the sky..IDIOT!!! I'm having a problem tracking down that actuator. I want to make this pump where I can spray out straight Sodium Hydrochloride(Chlorine) at 100%. Does anyone no where I can find that black actuator. The make of the pump is John Bean http://www.dultmeier.com/manufacturers/john-bean.asp


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Rob Huffman

New member
Now I will have to take a pic of mine...haha. Wonder if the UAMCC could get organizers for every state to come and clean the contractors garages / shops? That would be a great benefit....haha. Sorry I think its 530am and not much sleep.

You might want to talk with Bob at PT about making that pump 100% acceptable to SH. Might be cheaper to buy a set-up like the bandit than actually get that fixed. I debate this all the time when something breaks on me...is it cheaper to buy something new and how old it was to begin with. You did say you only used it once though so thats a tough call.

Terry Miller

New member
Great suggestion. We could not send UAMCC organizers to clean out your business, but we could get you the tools on how you could clean out your business! LOL Thank's for the suggestion. Looks like you guys have a power struggle going. Hope it comes together for you.

Rob Huffman

New member
lol. no power struggle at all. I was on the phone with John the other night telling him how I have an aisle going back to my fishing stuff....thats all you could see on my floor...

Also if we dont get the rain tonight I hope I get the chance to take pictures of the shop and also of the pump I configured with the help of Mark from Easy Clean. I might have to make sure my patent is good before I post the pics of that...lol

John Tornabene

Member Guest
Hey thats me calling myself an IDIOT.lol I was playing with the pressure on that pump and thats what caused me to blow the actuator off. I'm just lucky I can call myself an idiot instead of being 6' under. Some of this mechanical stuff should be left with the pro's. One day I'll tell the story when I caused a Fire Ball to shoot out of my old box truck when I was tinkering with the propane........

Scott Stone

New member
I could tell you about the time that the flow switch failed on my pressure washer and the Coil blew. It was amazing. Thank goodness it was a vertical coil.

Rob Huffman

New member
I could tell you when I first started I had a 4gpm cold water machine. I went to change the oil and dumped too much in (didnt have the manual to know exactly how much it took and wasnt familiar with small engines). Well lets just say I know how to make a Halloween fog machine. Everyone in the neighborhood thought something was on fire but couldnt see thru the smoke. It was something I can laugh at now and yeah John I still call myself an idiot for that one...haha.

Henry Bockman

New member
For strait SH application on roofs I use a deckster. It doesn't have really heavy flow but I can coat the roof almost as fast as I can move which works for me. Just make sure you clean it out well when your done. We did a roof last week in 5 hours that was 185' long and 40' across.