Thank you Terry!
The vibe here is so much more relaxing than what I've become accustomed to. I'll be glad to offer whatever I can to help move things forward in a positive manner.
We appreciate and thank you for offering Don. The vibe here today is different but I am sure as the UAMCC continues to grow and the word get's out that we are all about helping contractors....folks will wonder on over here.
I don't know you personally Don but what I do know is that you are one of the few contractos out there that give freely of your experience and knowledge and that you are a statesman in your trade. We at the UAMCC level are focused on helping contractors with their business.
You know the members of the Transition Team pretty well except for Terry. Terry is a stand up guy and will, if giving a chance, speak what is on his mind. No sugar coating over here at UAMCC ~ we are making a very serious run in establishing a new org. Succeeding in this is the only option...failure is not.
Do we have all the answers? Did we find the secret formula to BBS by a long shot but one thing we can guarantee is that we will be fair with everyone that logs onto this BBS.
I have watched you over the years as I am sure you watched my steps in the Regardless of our past, I know good talent when I see it. We trust that you will not only bring your experience about roofs but also discuss your thoughts and ideas regarding the UAMCC org. and the steps we all can make to establish a contractor driven initiative.
Contrary to what people may "think"...the UAMCC is moving and there is excitement in the air about what is going on with us. We consider it a pleasure to have you onboard and we are confident that you will contribute to that positive energy.
Welcome Aboard again!!