Chris Tucker
New member
Well, let me put your mind at ease. Lauramine Oxide (Ammonyx LO) is unconditionally Chlorine Stable. It is the OTHER stuff in Dawn that is non bleach compatible. Besides, who uses Dawn anymore, when Liquid Gain Ultra Original Scent is better ?Be weary of using some soaps and bleach. If not SPECIFICALLY tested and compatible with the dilution strengths we use and (not just for laundry or water treatment) chloromines and halothormes can be released and these are known cancer causing agents. Please be sure that you are using a product specifically engineered for mixing with HIGH CONCENTRATIONS of bleach like we do in roof & exterior soft washing. There are many types of Dawn as well and several have a specific warning against mixing with bleach. Also notice the ingredient lauramine oxide. I have questions about the compatibility of this surfactant and bleach. see pics.
Gain smells much better too, and enough of it in your mix does a much better job of masking the smell of Chlorine, then Dawn could ever hope to do.
LOL, The Liquid Gain Ultra Original Scent has become the "go to" store bought roof cleaning surfactant of choice for Non Rinsing Roof Cleaners, for this reason.
When the rain hits all that dried on Gain, lots of good smelling little bubbles come of the roof, vs your customers home smelling like a swimming pool.
Let's talk about both Gain and Dawn "Non Bleach Compatibility" for a moment . Both are made by Proctor and Gamble, who doesn't want Mama pouring either soaps into a sink filled with bleach, in an inside the house situation.
But, in an outside situation like roof cleaning, pouring a little Dawn or Gain into a tank of 50 or more gallons of much stronger Sodium Hypochlorite, here is what happens. The small amounts on non bleach compatible stuff in the Dawn and Gain are quickly Eaten Up (oxidized) by all that Sodium Hypochlorite.
Think about it for a minute AC ? Zillions of pressure washers and roof cleaners have used Dawn and Gain for years, in their mix.
I know none that have died of Cancer, and I have been teaching roof cleaning on the Internet nearly 15 years.
Also, FYI, nearly the entire family of Lauramine Oxide Surfactants are Chlorine Stable. To say Lauramine Oxide is not Chlorine Stable, is to say Roof Snot is not Chlorine Stable !