• As of January 1, 2018 The brand new logo that was created and released in 2017 will be the only official logo in affect and allowed to be used on any electronic media however, any such media like truck wraps, stationary, and postcards will be grandfathered in. Contributing Members will be allowed to use the UAMCC logo in any advertising. Permission to use the logo otherwise must be in writing. Logos used in electronic formats (ie: Websites, forums, etc.) must be linked back to the member’s profile in the UAMCC directory. Contributing Members are members that are paid and current with their dues. Please contact info@uamcc.org with any questions.

What a typical RFP bid looks like

John Tornabene

Member Guest
Here's one that came to the UAMCC awhile back. Some of these RFP's are so involved that you can lose interest after just reading thu a couple of pages. Me and Tony Szabo worked on a different RFP last year that we recieved from the UAMCC and we just lost out on it. It should have been ours and we should have at the very least wacked up the $80,000 for it. This company made the mistake of hiring a local who ended up doing a lousy job. So this year I was asked to bid again as was Tony. I turned it down and Tony was ridicuously lowballed and mine and Tony's guess is this College will be calling again next year and just maybe they will see the light on this... Probably not but you never know.

For those who never seen an RFP here is an example of one that came by here yesteryear.


  • tacomawaconvctrre4561uamccccache.pdf
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John Tornabene

Member Guest
Here's a Walmart RFP that I lost out on a few years ago. I was way overpriced but they did call be to tell me my bid was rejected and thanks for trying... Took me days to do this bid... and I get a thanks for trying:frown:

Maybe one of these days I will nail and large RFP but most likely not. I just can't do them for rock bottom prices no matter how many locations. If my name is attached these places will have to be cleaned the right way and they should pay accordingly and if not I just wont win one and somebody else will be stuck with the losing venture in the end.

Heres the RFP


  • Example-MSA.pdf
    89.2 KB · Views: 104

Rob Huffman

New member
Not yet Jim. I think the BOD are working on good things. Hopefully more will be said soon. Also, please refrain from saying what others did or did not do. This is not the place. Maybe other BBS' are ok with it but not here please. Thank you.

Jim Chesmore

New member
Not yet Jim. I think the BOD are working on good things. Hopefully more will be said soon. Also, please refrain from saying what others did or did not do. This is not the place. Maybe other BBS' are ok with it but not here please. Thank you.

I joined for RFP's, that was a waste of money, huh....

Thats really funny, the line I highlighted, think back 9 months and you will understand

Rob Huffman

New member
Please read your PM's.

To stay professional,
I dont think joining for RFP's is a waste of money at all. We all want those dont we? There is so much more to any of these Org's than just the RFP's. The Charlotte deal was a good thing. If we congregate as a unity of contractors instead of one there are many changes that can be made. There are several benefits out there waiting for us contractors. Lets wait and see what the BOD says they are going to offer. So far the "stimulus plan" looks intriguing.

Ron Musgraves

Past President
Staff member
Here's a Walmart RFP that I lost out on a few years ago. I was way overpriced but they did call be to tell me my bid was rejected and thanks for trying... Took me days to do this bid... and I get a thanks for trying:frown:

Maybe one of these days I will nail and large RFP but most likely not. I just can't do them for rock bottom prices no matter how many locations. If my name is attached these places will have to be cleaned the right way and they should pay accordingly and if not I just wont win one and somebody else will be stuck with the losing venture in the end.

Heres the RFP
Walmart Master Service Agreement