So I turned on my PC late at night and I see Ron calling me nuts on the screen. Ahhhh modern technology at its
If I had the time Ron and maybe one day I will I'm going to get involved with some org. again. Most likely the org. will be trying to find its way to get to that next level and I have to believe in it. The UAMCC today would be a perfect fit for me but I can't commit to that for another year or two or three.
I am sorry that a bunch of us didn't have some type of emergency meeting and iron all of the perceived problems within the org. It should have been done because us guys all in the same room for lets say a weekend the org. would have been way ahead of where it is today. Better yet I think in probably less then 4 hrs back then and we all would have worked it out.
The PWNA has there set ways and there set guys and they appear to be happy where there at. I am still a member there but I don't get that feeling that they want to be much bigger. For years you thought the same.
The guys volunteering now for the UAMCC are honest and sincere guys. They keep trucking along with this org. it will one day gain momentum again because what this org. stands for and that is a contractors org. for the end user.
So the message is there and we can't take back the "Yesterdays". Call me nuts but I will be forever grateful that I got to meet and talk to Robert in the past about these org's and I also learned alot from talking to Joe Walters about some of the things Robert dealt with when he started these org's. Its a numbers game. To much to get into it here but the message for this org. is there and maybe the Ken Fenners the Rob Huffman's and guys like that do come back when they have the time to help the new leaders. Bad blood and the finger pointing games are long gone. The more I think about it Ron I may be nuts but your nuttier then a fruit cake putting your talking head into a post...lololololol...J/K.....lololol